Inter-Sample and True Peak Metering
What is a true peak meter? A true peak meter displays the absolute peak of an audio’s waveform as it will be heard in the analogue realm through speakers. How Do True Peaks Affect Music? Most ...

How To Stem Master Your Own Music
Contents (Click To Navigate) Introduction to Stem Mastering The ‘Technically’ Excellent Final Mix Creating Stems For Mastering Preparing The Mastering Session Awesome Mastering Chain Mastering ...

Sample Rates and Bit Depth... In a nutshell
What is the Sample Rate? The sample rate, in a nutshell, is the number of samples per second in a piece of audio. It is measured in Hertz (Hz) or Kilohertz (kHz). Does having a higher sample rate...

What is Mastering For iTunes? MFiT is a section in the iTunes store. The music in this section has been through a quality control process to improve the sonics of the audio. The MFiT incentive is...

Introduction Mixing the Kick Mixing the Bass Mono Effects Harmonics Acoustics and Monitoring Subwoofers What frequency range is considered to be ‘Low End’? Most of the kick and bass low end ac...

You've heard your song about a million times now so all subjectivity is lost. The best way to get some perspective on whether your mix actually sounds good or not is to bring in a few reference tra...