How To Prepare Your Track For Release
Releasing a track is a big moment. There are no do-overs. Once it’s out there, it’s out there. Unless you’re Kanye West, of course (The Life of Pablo, anyone?) But for the rest of us, we only...

Mixing and Mastering An Album Using BASSROOM
(By Mastering The Mix Contributor: Nick Messitte) It started with a text from Jonathan Birkholz, a musical genius who plays in two of my favorite indie bands (Soul Cannon and Super City): Could I ...

How To Make A Song Punchier During Stereo Mastering
There’s a lot of focus on compression and limiting during song mastering. Whilst these processes are necessary, they can sometimes reduce the punch of the transients. In this video and blog post, I...

What EQ Filter is Best For Mixing Bass and Low-End?
If you want to process the bass and low-end of your music production using EQ filters that don't degrade the quality, then this post is for you. We explain the different types of filters and why ou...

Being more efficient in the studio can help you create more music in less time. In this video, you can watch me stem master an EDM track by ‘Masteria’ in under 30 minutes. This is an exercise in ut...

The Perfect Monitoring Levels For Your Home Studio
We hear frequencies differently at various volume levels. We hear less bass when it's quieter, and more bass when it's louder. In this post, I’ll walk you through 5 steps you can take to calibrate ...