Mixing eBooks
Click Here To Download our free eBook: How To Stereo Master A Song.

I hope you get inspired with some fresh new ideas to inject into your mastering sessions.
Mastering The Mix’s single driving goal is to help music producers get better sounding mixes. We do this primarily through free education on our blog and social media.
In this eBook, you’ll learn the essential steps of how to stereo master a song. This guide can be applied to any genre of music and will give you a foundational understanding of how to approach stereo mastering.
You’ll see some of our plugins get mentioned, they’ve helped countless music producers get better sounding masters and I know they can do the same for you too.
Download the free trials and follow along with the instructions in this eBook.
Enjoy, and get your music sounding better than ever!
Tom Frampton Director Mastering The Mix