✅ REFERENCE: It can be frustrating not knowing exactly how to get your music comparable to your favorite mixes. REFERENCE Is packed with powerful tools and insights to help you get closer than ever to the sound of your favorite music.
✅ RESO: Excessive resonances ruin mixes, giving them a harsh and unpleasant sound. RESO helps you identify which specific frequencies are causing problems. It also guides you on how much reduction is needed to dynamically resolve the resonance without making your mix sound thin.
If you don't LOVE our plugins, you don't pay. It's that simple.

Combined 5 Star Reviews on Mastering The Mix and Plugin Boutique

REFERENCE is my go-to plugin to A/B between reference tracks and get my mix & master where I want it to be!

REFERENCE is an excellent, well-designed plug-in that offers unique and useful visual insights into your mix and references.

REFERENCE gives me a reliable objective perspective, helping me make better mix decisions. Simple, yet incredibly effective.

Wow! RESO is intuitive and sounds absolutely awesome.

Rarely I’m trying new products and get the wow factor, but THIS IS F**KING IT! Such a useful tool with great results in seconds.

RESO effortlessly fixes harsh mixes. It’s a huge time saver and works wonders on vocals.

RESO Overview
Customer Reviews
Smoke Cloud - Necessity
Reference 2 is not another gimmick plugin, it’s a necessity! I’ve been recording, mixing, and mastering for almost 20 years and know the importance of having reference songs. It’s the only plugin of its kind, and easy to use.
Marc - Top Class
Love it. Super time saving. Easy to use, instant gratification! I haven't met a mastering the mix plugin I didn't like yet. Just amazing value. Get yourself some.
Six2Nine - Outstanding
It's probably one of this plugins which is smoother then soothe with some kind of magic under the hood. For me it works better cuz of the resolution and richness of detail. Try the demo and allow yourself to be convinced.
Harry Morse - Must Hvae
This is an absolute must have plug-in. It is a massive time saver, with the ability to place you in the mainstream "ball park" of any specific mixing project that you may be working on.
Rob B - Everyone's Using It
I’ve been using REFERENCE for just over a year and can confidently say, it’s the best investment I’ve made as far as plugins go. Having attended many mixing & mastering classes, this plugin is what most pros are using. Referencing is critical, and being easily able to compare a tracks tonal balance, compression, LUFS and stereo width with commercial songs was a game changer for me.
Jan - Couldn't Be Easier
First I didn't know what to expect. But after putting RESO on my master bus, I immediately heard the difference.
Mac System Requirements
OS X 10.15 or higher. 64-bit AU, VST 2/3 or AAX host.
Apple Silicon Native.
Windows System Requirements
Windows 10 or higher. 64-bit VST 2/3 or 64-bit AAX host.
Mac System Requirements
OS X 10.15 or higher. 64-bit AU, VST 2/3 or AAX host.
Apple Silicon Native.
Windows System Requirements
Windows 10 or higher. 64-bit VST 2/3 or 64-bit AAX host.