Difficult Mastering Problems And How To Solve Them
What happens when you can’t ‘fix it in the mix’? Give up…? Or try some ninja skills to solve nasty problems in the master itself? You’ve got to roll out those ninja skills. In this blog post I'm ...

Stereo Width: How Wide Is Too Wide?
Engineers are always aiming for a wide mix with lots of depth. There are many ways to go about achieving a wide mix; however, it's definitely possible for a mix to be too wide. Overly wide mixes ar...

5 Unique Ways to Level Up Your Mix
Getting a perfect mix isn't easy. Even when you follow all the expert tips — to a T — your mixes can still seem to be missing that "it factor" that will take it over the top. It's important that y...

7 Ways to Fix (Or Even Prevent) Frequency Collisions
Few things are more frustrating than being neck-deep in a mix, then realizing that two tracks are occupying the same frequency space. No matter what you do, you can't seem to unscramble these instr...

7 Ways to Make a Good Master GREAT!
After you've nailed your mix, it's time to have it mastered. Mastering is the last step your music goes through before it's released to the world. Despite all the mystery that surrounds the masteri...

7 EQ Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Music
Using an equalizer is one of — if not the most — important aspects of mixing. That's why it's essential that you learn to use it properly. In this post, we'll explore how to use — and not abuse — t...