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Compare EQ - The Ultimate Tonal Balance Tool

Compare EQ - The Ultimate Tonal Balance Tool

There have been a number of audio products released in recent years that can help you check your tonal balance against other songs.  The documentation of these other products always points to thei...

How To Get A Wide Stereo Image When Mastering

How To Get A Wide Stereo Image When Mastering

There are genres where having the widest possible mix certainly is a goal to aim for from the early stages of the production. The song arrangement, the instrumentation, space it was recorded in, m...

Streamline Your Process To Finish Your Songs Faster

Streamline Your Process To Finish Your Songs Faster

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to make your whole production process more efficient. This, in turn, will make you faster, more confident in the decisions you make. As a bonus, it...

How To Check Your Final Masters (Like A Mastering Engineer)

How To Check Your Final Masters (Like A Mastering Engineer)

It doesn't matter how great your song sounds in your studio once it's released to the public. If it doesn't sound just as great on your listeners' playback devices, you'll have them scrambling for...

What Is A Ghost Producer? (And How to Become One)

What Is A Ghost Producer? (And How to Become One)

Over the last few years, ghost-producing has become a popular method of collaborating and creating chart-topping hits. However, with so many producers trying to break into the industry, it can be d...

Speaker Calibration Software: Is It Worth It?

Speaker Calibration Software: Is It Worth It?

Over the last few years, speaker calibration software has become an increasingly popular solution for creating a more neutral listening environment. But, does it really work? Is it worth the money?...